Net Worth Calculations

Assets - What You Own
Description/Details Value
Homes, Property $  ______________
Vehicles (Year/Make) $  ______________
Investments (GICs, RRSP's) $  ______________
Savings, Bonds $  ______________
TOTAL $ ___________

Liabilities - What You Owe
Description/Details Balance Owing Monthly Payments
Mortgages $  ______________ $  ______________
Personal or Other $  ______________ $  ______________
Loans, e.g. auto $  ______________ $  ______________
Credit Cards $  ______________ $  ______________
TOTAL $  ______________ $  ______________
Net Worth = $___________   (Assets Minus Liabilities)

            Follow these steps to find your price range
Your Gross Annual Salary  $______________
Your Spose's Gross Annual Salary  $______________
Other Income  $______________
TOTAL  $___________
Multiply this gross income total by 2.5 to find out the approximate price you can afford   $___________

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